new orleans nutritionist

Please fill out the Nutrition Services Application here and we will get back to you within 24 hours. Or you may reach out directly via phone or email for any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!

Monday - Friday
9am - 4 pm CST




How do I schedule an appointment?

You will find an inquiry form on the “contact” page that you can fill out and I will respond within 24 hours! From there, we can set up a free 20 minute consultation to ensure it is a good fit and answer any remaining questions.

How often will I have appointments?

Here at Renshaw Nutrition we believe in having a smaller client load for a more hands-on and personalized experience. With that, we prefer to begin with weekly sessions to allow for rapport building and consistency with goals, with the hopes of moving to bi-weekly or monthly over time and as progress allows.

Do you accept insurance?

At this time Renshaw Nutrition does not accept insurance. We do accept HSA/FSA cards and offer itemized superbills upon request for you to submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement.

Do I have to have a diagnosis in order to work with you?

No! You are welcome here whether we are the first stop on your journey to feeling more confident and care-free with food, or you find us somewhere along the way throughout the process of receiving an eating disorder or other diagnosis. We work with clients at all different stages of their life and journey.

What ages do you work with?

All ages! We like variety :) Our clients range from young adolescents and their families navigating food together, to clients in their 80s wanting to support their health and simplify their meal experiences.

What is intuitive eating?

Intuitive eating is an evidence based, non-diet, weight-inclusive approach to eating and body image concerns. This is something we incorporate into everything we do at Renshaw Nutrition. You can read more about the 10 Intuitive Eating Principles here!


“Meredith is absolutely wonderful and cares for each individual she works with. When I started my journey in recovery I never thought I would be able to feel free from food again. Thanks to Meredith I am now listening to my body and not depriving it of what it needs. She made me realize that my worth was not in food and can’t define who I am. The recovery process is not an easy track but having Meredith in my corner made me feel like I could make it through to the other side… and I did!!”

Samantha T.